Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Mr. and Ms. IIT 2013.

Mr. and Ms. IIT 2013: Objective and Subjective description

Beauty, brain and Character; these were not just what they possessed. Maybe we should add something else. Aside of the noble core values of the Institute, let me have the honor to describe what is new to the new pair of ambassadors of MSU-IIT. They were courageous and leaders.
            Ms. CBAA is this year’s Ms. IIT and Mr. CASS is this year’s Mr. IIT. Others may have not expected for this royal tandem but when they ramp together on stage, I saw them very perfect for each other. Perfect in the sense that their colors have complemented to each other and their birthdays were also the same. Nobody expected that. All of the Griffins and Arachnids went down from the bleachers and cheered to both of them during the coronation. All the answers of the candidates were all amazing. Truly, indicating that MSU-IIT pageants are prestigious and internationalized.
            With the Thrilling lights and music, Ms. CBAA answered the question of one of the judge, military personnel with a twist. The judge was asking about his profession; the question was all about ‘did the militaries have really done their jobs in bringing peace and denouncing war’. All of the people have their own answers, but, was completely different to what the candidate has said. She said that it’s not only the military sir that brings peace it’s actually everybody. Peace is within us and in our hearts. It was indeed a very courageous answer. Mr. CASS on the other hand answered the question about what is the essence of being Mr. IIT. He started the answer well. First was the explication of the bashes and the famousness of them but he added his potentialities being the ambassador of leadership in many ways. He is a very good leader indeed.
       Hail to the new ambassadors! ‘The face of IIT is now (your) their image(s).”- emcee

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