Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Mr. and Ms. IIT 2013.

Mr. and Ms. IIT 2013: Objective and Subjective description

Beauty, brain and Character; these were not just what they possessed. Maybe we should add something else. Aside of the noble core values of the Institute, let me have the honor to describe what is new to the new pair of ambassadors of MSU-IIT. They were courageous and leaders.
            Ms. CBAA is this year’s Ms. IIT and Mr. CASS is this year’s Mr. IIT. Others may have not expected for this royal tandem but when they ramp together on stage, I saw them very perfect for each other. Perfect in the sense that their colors have complemented to each other and their birthdays were also the same. Nobody expected that. All of the Griffins and Arachnids went down from the bleachers and cheered to both of them during the coronation. All the answers of the candidates were all amazing. Truly, indicating that MSU-IIT pageants are prestigious and internationalized.
            With the Thrilling lights and music, Ms. CBAA answered the question of one of the judge, military personnel with a twist. The judge was asking about his profession; the question was all about ‘did the militaries have really done their jobs in bringing peace and denouncing war’. All of the people have their own answers, but, was completely different to what the candidate has said. She said that it’s not only the military sir that brings peace it’s actually everybody. Peace is within us and in our hearts. It was indeed a very courageous answer. Mr. CASS on the other hand answered the question about what is the essence of being Mr. IIT. He started the answer well. First was the explication of the bashes and the famousness of them but he added his potentialities being the ambassador of leadership in many ways. He is a very good leader indeed.
       Hail to the new ambassadors! ‘The face of IIT is now (your) their image(s).”- emcee

CED Mural Painting

Mural Painting: Color description

Indeed, the Champion of this year’s Mural Painting competition has brought definite colors and comfort to many of the IITians. It gives comfort through its artistic, realistic and melodic exhibitions of rhythmic colors aligned and curved in one of the walls of the Institution.
I was actually there when they were still starting to make a sketch of their painting. The strokes were systematically drawn. The colors were properly chosen and shaded.
The stone-alike stuff within the circumference of the Logo of the Institute in the center is really tantalizing. It looks like really true. It was properly shaded. And for one thing, it has really captured the theme which is the IIT’s quest for greater heights through internationalization. I love as well how they have painted the cinematic side of partial space around the center. It is so cute. The bluish-purple panorama around it complemented with its aim to highlight the film processing.
Thus, the over-all thought of the master piece has actually given medicine to the souls of many IITians. It has showcased how everyone should be shading their different colors in their fields of specializations. It made a platform for everybody to let them feel that IIT indeed is now going beyond to what we should be.
I salute the College of Education (CED) for the very amazing output and might as well to the artists: Alnel Manuel, Crystal Hannah Lee, Constantino Luis Concillado, Ralph Migrano and Nian Jade Banaag.

The Kalimulan Experience: A Narration

I still can’t get over of the thrill injected by the ‘Sayaw’ show into my mind. The thrill and the thrill, it has been the epitome of Mindanaoan dances that make it distinct in comparison to the rest of the world’s other cultural dances. I am always seeing it. It is like a cliché. I have been used to this for how many times already; last school year during the Gabi ng Sining 2012; just this year’s first season of the school year (Gabi ng Sining 2013); and during the 53rd Araw ng Iligan this year when Kalimulan presented at Iligan City public plaza.

The thrill or shall we say, the cliché that I am but repeatedly consciously exposed. The cliché that made me scream though, in any of their performances. Nonetheless, they never failed to amaze me. It even made me shout for the most part. Their dances never failed to capture my heart. The’ sayaw’ somehow moved me from my seat, really, and now, I will narrate the story behind the judgments and appreciation that have given to them after witnessing the said performance.

It was on or about 4:00 pm of August 14, 2013 when my literature class was dismissed by a colleague of our teacher; we have been through an exam for 30 minutes and yes, we finished it very quickly. We are all excited for the ‘sayaw’ show indeed. We thank God because there are no more lessons that were discussed. I thanked my teacher for not being there and being absent on that day. And now we are happy. Happy but not fixed with our destination yet. We know that we will be at the Gymnasium by 6 pm but for "God's love tender love and compassion'? Where would we stay? Now, that was our problem. We have nothing to do that time. I mean nothing to do that would make us happy and to enjoy ourselves. So, we have decided to play a game. I do not really know what is the title of the game, but, all I know is that it has something to do or relatedness with the 'the conjuring show'.

1st Clap, 2nd Clap, 3rd Clap, well, those were the words, and hush, hush IAN 'I caught you', that was fun and exciting really. Then, I suddenly realized that my stomach is now craving for food to be digested. I’m now thirsty and hungry. I had the freaking jealousy when some of my classmates are now quitting the game and decided to eat their dinner at the nearby restaurant and fast food chains. “And God?” where will I be now? I’m very exhausted already and can’t bear it anymore. I have no extra money. I needed to go home at that time. I am lousy and awful that time because, as what I have said, I am exhausted already. So, without any further ado, I went home. Yes, without any hesitation. The creatures inside my stomach were, in that time, dreadfully hungry as well. I went home and planned to be back after the supper, I must be going back after I eat.
Minutes have passed and I came with jackets covering my helpless body in the campus; a body that seeks for warmth because of the humid temperature that night. I am racing with my breath. Breathe in, breath out; that was a rhythm though.

Eventually, I came late, and the song that I have heard sung by the buhanginan voices was the Cebuano song, ‘Didto sa akong lagkaw’. I’m still right at the bleachers, having my way near to the CON place during assemblies. The people there are still not properly disposed. They are still noisy. It seems like they are just forced to watch the show. Now, you might wonder to whom I am with, during the show, well, as usual, I am with my classmates. They texted me where they were sitting while I am still at home eating my very delicious dinner. Everything is delicious for a hungry man, just so you know.

I’m sitting with faith and Reiji that night. We were all together in shouting because of the stunning movements by the performers. We even shouted more when the scene is almost laughable because of some mistakes that are really clear and cannot be disguised only with their smiles. I also supported faith in giving bashes and more shouts to one of the performers she is loathing to. Faith was firm and shouted ‘Dah, gabaan, sayup lage’, then, we all laughed as Farzeah and my other classmates looked back at us wondering for what shout was that. A shout with feelings it must be.

            I saw as well one of my colleagues in a press club, ate July Hermodo dancing. She is actually an alumna of the institution. Maybe she is just invited to join so because they lacked members. Then, I remember it was also the anniversary of Kalimulan. The Kalimulan by the way is the Cultural Dance Troupe of Mindanao State University- Iligan Institute of Technology.

As what I have said, nothing more and nothing less is what I saw again in their performance. ‘World-Class’ maybe, but all I can say is that it will be if they will practice more and soon perform the very perfect show, and that would make them really a world-renowned dance troupe.
With their performance, I can really say that truly, Mindanao Culture is both rich and varied – A true mirror of the people of which it is the expression.
The show indeed explained more about ethnic dances as part of the Tri-peoples culture, the Christian, Muslim and Lumad. They have shown not only the Artistic Ingenuity of the natives, but also their beliefs, traditions and how they are doing their lives.
Kudos to Prof. Christian T.N. Aguado, a cultural anthropologist headed as founder and organizer of the Dance Troupe and might as well to the ever awesome MSU-IIT Kalimulan Cultural Dance Troupe.