Friday, May 8, 2015

              Dramatics  and Stagecraft:
                           Progress Report

        Being an actor requires talent, time, passion and commitment and other necessary values and virtues one has to determine and realize. I will not say that I inherit all those things since time immemorial or since I have joined a drama club. Those requirements are not easy to have or achieved. It demands thorough practice and self-discovery, and, to be honest, my journey for this unearthing is attained and reached through my experience in the ABEO Playhouse with my classmates as my fellow actors whom I have learned a lot and, of course, with my mentor who unceasingly squeeze and bring out the best in me or in us in Theatre.

   Twelfth Night. During the Curtain Call

Twelfth Night. Duke Orsino orders Cesario to send a message to Olivia
          I started as a squash, a neophyte and an interested novice during my freshman year. I auditioned for a role to appease my burning enthusiasm for acting. I was not good, I’m sure, for nobody can be excellent enough but a mediocre in his first time. Nonetheless, it became my stepping stone for discerning my purpose and vocation in life. I felt like I have a heart for this, I have a zeal in doing this kind of special stuff.

Bato Lakungan looking for the 'Mahiwagang Niaga'
          Moreover, I have felt the push of it more and more as the years went by. Chamber Theatre, Intro to Drama Class and other Class Performing Activities have built the tower and my lofty ideals of myself in the stage. I felt the need to pursue this. I, in fact, challenged myself to try another kind of it, I challenge myself to audition for a musical play in IPAG. Fortunately, I was accepted. It was a whole new world for me. It was beyond my expectation of myself. It was out of my comfort zone. I have learned many things about performing arts and the discipline that one must employ in his life to succeed in this exceptional career. I learned how to vary my emotions with the wide range of emotions that a human being has. I learned how to control and to work for my own progress. 

The joyous travel and adventure of Bato Lakungan to Ranaw
One of the monsters met and fought by Bato Lakungan.
The best part where there are applause and cheers for us, Ranaw's Curtain Call.

          Now, my experience in theatre together with my classmates as my fellow actors and production staffs has extended and inflamed my interest for it. We worked as one and the people see us as one. There are many things that I have discovered and learned together with them. I got to share what I have got and learned and vice-versa. The ABEO Playhouse’s adaptation of George Bernard Shaw’s PYGMALION was not good. It was exceptional. The people behind the stage, the actors outside and inside the black cloth, the technical people inside the control room was, indeed, extraordinary. The preceding lines might be self-proclaimed because I am speaking for us, but, by George, it is very factual and the words used might not even be accurate oh how we truly feel and how excellent we are as a batch. This is something one has to remember in his lifetime. One has to put this in his heart, for all may wither and die but never the heart that remembers. KUDOS Team PYGMALION! DASIG ABEO VANGUARDS.
One of the Posters of the ABEO Playhouse's Pygmalion

Prof. Higgins: 'I can, Cher ap keptin, nhaw yah bay flahr fram a  por gel'

A princess? Have it your own way, Maestro, Have it your own way'


During the Pictorial of ABEO Playhouse's PYGMALION

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