Friday, March 22, 2013

Twelfth Night

-a Show of no less laugh

I know what they’re like (my fellow abeans most especially the ABEO Vanguards [freshmen], my classmates and all the other mates, my friends, my relatives, my family) – they’re proud! I’m proud saying that. Oh! I’m proud. I just can’t great it off. Some are born great and ABEO play house achieved greatness indeed with the Twelfth Night play- a play written by William Shakespeare.

I’m like very blessed having been tasked to portray the role of Orsino, a duke of Illyria. It was a very fascinating and exigent role. How could I imagine myself being a ruler of a place in the 16th Century who needs to be in love to a beautiful Olivia? As one of the teachers said during the critique night, I need to be passionate about my feelings for her. She can’t see the obsession and ardor on my eyes. With that, I’m challenged to dig onto my character. After then, the critique said in our gala performance that it pays to be harsh. And yes indeed! Many said that my personality was just very fit with the character of count Orsino.

At that night, at last, they said, I already look rich which seems to be very vague for me to happen during our practice and during the critique night. I didn’t even look like a duke with my suit on the critique night. Somebody said, I’m like Edward Collins because of the flawlessness of my face. I’m flattered J though behind the makeup is my never flawless face but instead mushroomed by moles and blemishes.

Anyway, the point is this, it is a must-watched play, I say. I felt pity for those who came late and turning themselves back to their places as the mini-theatre was out bursting with audience. Well, lucky for them because there will be a replay in the next school year and I heard it will be for ONE WEEK.

I really never expected for an overwhelming response or feedback from the people. I never expect that many wanted to be captured by the camera together with the noble Orsino. I now know how it feels to be an actor. I’m not as famous and heart-throb as Daniel Padilla but somehow, I once felt how to be like him when being yelled by the crowd.

With a production staff and Maria, the nanny

With Olivia (Joan) and Viola (Veronica)
The whole production team of Twelfth Night


  1. you were awesome !! we were so proud of ya!

  2. I love your acting Ian, as expected from you :)

  3. you had one of your greatest performance that night ian. you did a very good job :)

  4. The other side of Ian Tii Jacob ,an amazing actor. !

  5. WAAAHH!! One of the Actors! Nice one IAN! I salute you :))

  6. Even though I wasn't able to watch, I know you did great Kuya. Sadly I wasn't able to watch. Next school year though I'll try my best to. ;)

  7. HAHAHHA.. yaaan! your the one! you're so handsome during that play ;) hahah. it was great!!

  8. Go Ian. Sayang, la ko kita. :) Congrats.

  9. Hi April!
    As a freshmen, it is indeed an honor for you to be a part of the prestigious ABEO playhouse.
    I have read your article and there is something that fascinates me. Maybe because I can see yourself in it. It's like you have put your heart and soul into what you have written. Everything is very simple and precise but it is also very witty at the same time. Keep up the good work April. :)

    God bless.

  10. the play was great.. congrats..:)

  11. Thanks for sharing such a nice content. Your post was really good. Some ideas can be made. About English literature. Further, you can access this site to learn more about Shakespeare’s Use of Disguise in The Twelfth Night
