Friday, March 22, 2013

‘The Grave Diggers’

Nothing but bones

Graves are creepy.
Corpse in the grave are frightening,
 but digger of corpse on the graves and the ghosts standing in front of me during the show somehow scared me.

On that night, I was just one of those who are curious about this play with the tagline ‘How low, how very low can a man go down?

They have a nice tarp, nice plot and a great venue for plays to be held but I say, I saw nothing but a Basic Ed. Classroom presentation. It was nothing but bones. I understand nothing but seeing pantaleon who looks like very me, the plot that they are on the cemetery and the thought of identifying the characters as diggers because they are bringing shovel.

Characters weren’t even sure of what they are doing. They haven’t yet completed and established their emotions yet on the stage and lastly, they didn’t prove anyway that they must pass the course they are taking by doing the play to comply with their requirements.
Nonetheless, it was an interesting night to meet my doppelganger. At first, I am very hesitant to accept that we really look like identical slice of an apple, but I am right of being hesitant to that. I still don’t accept it. I am much good looking than that ghost anyway, than pantaleon. To be not outcast to what they are talking about, I somehow play with them.

It was only because I and pantaleon have a similarly closer structure of face on that night. I can’t deny that. For my classmates sake, OK. Ma’am Jinggay said that it was like a reality show of “Orsino meets Pantaleon”.


  1. Basic Educational Classroom Presentation <- I do agree with this. Tsss they should have delivered it well :/

  2. yeah, the characters weren't sure of what they are doing but at least they made us laugh :))

  3. The show ended with you taking pictures with your long lost brother! Funny !`

    1. hehehehe, I'm just being supportive to my brother.... ha? ahhahaha,,

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. I should've watched this. I've read tiempo's works and I find them really engaging. tss. hehe. Ian, you've found Ian from another dimension. LOL, twin. Judging from the photo, though, the set looks actually good. :)

  6. HAHAHAH.. yaan :)) its okay. the play was still good ;) its FUNNY.. COMEDY HORROR ang bet?? :P

  7. That's right ian. The most funny thing is that you found ur twin. =DD

  8. Hahaha i kniow right? Your "basic education" presentation comment made me crazy hahahahaha. But at least your doppelganger made my night ;) Jeje <3

  9. Haha. Doppleganger. Never believed it till I saw it!
