Sunday, December 2, 2012

Slight Conversion

                     The more phenomena, the more pious are the people. 
                     Are you with me with this notion?

How could you see in your mind's eye the change that can happen without any rehabilitation? You might imagine a miracle, but for me, I see it like this. I see people transforming their obscene and evil acts into a more appreciable virtue in these days. For we are all now nervous to experience internal and external displacement that other had been through after the Sendong stricken us last year.

                     It brought us to a scenario of glum and nostalgia for our lost. The lost of especial people and of our properties for they were all buried by the natural phenomena we, ourselves had triggered. Blessed are we for we’ve survive from that. And if you are, then, you’d surely felt the feeling of slight conversion. A conversion wherein a half of yourself is tired to restart your voyage again for living a good life. You’re out of the track for your damn motivations are always repeating in the midst of your world. I refer the stimuli to be pious as the phenomena: typhoon, earthquake, tsunami and etc, for these were all regarded as the signs of the end of times. You know, like God accepts U turn, but too much of it will lead you astray. Turning back to God must be sincere and genuine after all.

                   Nowadays, you might also hear how many and much prayers the people are voicing about, for we can’t deny the spirit of being a being. We can’t prohibit ourselves not to appreciate people’s praise about how prayerful and a good person you are. Nonetheless, these are proofs of how we care for our future’s sake, asking God for his pursuance of giving an air for us to breathe.

                    I mind you, if ever this new typhoon Pablo will make its way to devastate us again like what Sendong had done, you’ll just repent and make a remorseful life because of your sins for only a day or a week. You’ll being is just surely a matter of a slight converted soul then.

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