Sunday, December 9, 2012


Inspiring IPAG, inspiring Mindanaoan

I can somehow outfox others in giving an enthralling remark to the Integrated Performing Arts Guild (IPAG), the resident Theater Company of Mindanao State University- Iligan Institute of Technology and the most acclaimed Theater Company of the Philippines with my familiarity.

I was with my classmates on watching the show but one thing would surely differ in the course of admiration and fascination to that, between me and with them. Yes, I will differ in that, for I was once an IPAG applicant. I know how difficult to be a member and the feeling of exhaustion after a bone-cracking warm-up we’ve shared before. I do really appreciate the show then. I admire their perseverance, talents and the forte they have.Just try to imagine that I’m already overtired with a warm-up, how much more to that what they had recently produced? A show which is, I believe, compelling and on the same hand pedagogically aided me as a mindanaoan with the things that I must be aware of. The things about how diverse cultures dwell in my place, how unique to be a mindanaoan and how beautiful is the thought of unity in diversity of the tri-people: the Muslim, Indigenous people and the Christian settlers.

Showcasing the cherished dance stories that seem like a hazy mist in these days is a heroic act done by IPAG to show the well diverse culture orientation of MSU-IIT. Watching the world renowned individuals dancing and Mr. Steven Patrick Fernandez, their amazing director drumming with grace uplift my being. Every number never failed to bring color and coherence to another one. The show also showed the tales of courting of every of the tri-people. A Muslim man would really do anything to his loved one, a Christian that never hides and denies his feeling and a Lumad that undoubtedly respects the quintessence of the women he treasured.

Even on the first sight, I already felt the cultural experience that deserves the hundred of peso I asked from my parents.Their purpose of cultural persuasion and reminding me of what I ought to be reminded was indeed triumphant in one way or another. 

Smiles and Hands of Success. Truly,  IPAG triumph in the success of effective relaying of  message of the show.

Then, I made the point of looking back to the controversial “Enough is enough” post in the bulletin boards of the College of Arts and Social Sciences where my course (AB English) and I belong. I felt pity about the disorientation of that person displaying it. The show is indeed worth to be not paid of a hundred but, a more of that instead. IPAG is truly the one that made CASS higher than any other. IPAG has been the one that made Philippines known to the other parts of the world. IPAG is the one which let IIT embarked on the stream of eminent universities and indeed let it to across beyond the borders. Being exposed with that kind of theatre production made me to view Mindanao in its different angles. I aerially witnessed Mindanao’s copious potentials. Leading Mindanao of abundance in customs was what I saw in using the worm’s eye view.
Heads must be up with delight and pride to have IPAG in MSU-IIT. I am hopeful to await more from IPAG. Kudos IPAG!

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  1. It is really nice to know some people where still concerned in the tri-people ..

    I wish I could watch this event .. May libre bah ? thanks to the author , nice ang pagkasulat ..


    1. Thanks much! Actually the running of the show already concluded last month, Nov. 30 (Friday). I hope they'll produced it again with the "Tales of Mindanao" that I long to watched after knowing that the "Tatlo sa Isa" was sequel to that.

  2. IPAG is indeed the institute's premiere performing group. Every performance is carefully crafted and knitted into a glamorous work of art. If one has to witness the intricacies of every movement and the gracefulness of every performer, right there and then he'll be pulled at the edge of his seat. :)

    1. You're really right Ms. Amie, I was really moved in their stunning stunts. I'm burning with zeal to watch what's the next explosion.

  3. I've watched the performance of IPAG and it was really AMAZING! Their performance only proved that we are capable of producing such high-standards show. They've showed how the three different people, living in the same land, creates harmony and prosperity even if there are differences within them.

    1. Truly they were, indeed, they've already gone to hundreds of countries showcasing what an IITian or a filipino got.

  4. Simply Amazing. The show might have help the students in order to have a better understanding towards the different cultures present in Mindanao. And also, it was a privilege to be an audience of IPAG's performance. =) Keep it up and God bless ~

    1. I'll claim that it is because of IPAG that I have now a somewhat substantial understanding about the Tri-people of Mindanao.

  5. how great ! IPAG member's makes me AMAZE on how they perform on stage , they Perform as well as a Professional performers ;D
    Keep it UP (y)

  6. IPAG has evidently given IITians, for countless times, a lot of things to be proud of. And about the issue "Enough is enough", IPAG did not impose on us to watch their shows. It was our very own teachers in Humanities and English. And I believe our teachers do that because they believe the IPAG experience will help greatly in our formation as human beings and intellectuals. I believe that it does help greatly. IPAG takes us to places we have never been before. To be in the presence of people behind IPAG is beyond.. great and enough to make you want to rise to your own greatness. IPAG is good for us. Every show is definitely worth our while.

  7. good write up jacob..keep it up!

  8. The show was really spectacular indeed and was truly appreciative in the existence of tri-people here in Mindanao, and it was refreshing to look at these performers who never failed their respective audiences in order to satisfy their artful and cultural personalities and allow them to delve in their history. Being a presentation of the Integrated Performing Arts Guild (IPAG), I expected already that it will be again an another pure theatrical performance, and indeed it really was.

  9. i wish someday i could watch them , indeed it's very nice i guess aas what the author describes it , thanks for that author!!! maayuha uie!!
