Thursday, November 29, 2012

A Salutatory Address that never was

I’m an easy going student in my grade school years; I do pass exams but not enough to be hailed on the top. Being on high school is a more demanding world that requires a lot of courage, but what is my attitude towards studies on my elementary years is exactly incongruent to my secondary toils’ and hustles’ fears. I faced it with the grace of GOD.  Knowing that with God in my heart, it’s not about goodness at all times but the opposite instead. Regardless of that, I had managed to reach the top and ranked advanced when pitted with our elementary class valedictorian. But, it had only true for one year. On the next three years, I was just second to him.

I’m not a late bloomer anyway; it’s just that I didn’t use the most out of my undiscovered skills.
Confident is the right word I can describe to myself in my 4th year Deliberation of Honors. I know, I somehow deserved the title I did once taken for granted. But what had happened? Again, I seconded him. And what follows in this article is the salutatory address that never was delivered because of some problems.
Yes, in our batch I'm the CLASS SALUTATORIAN. Congratulations to myself! It came out like that not because I'm just second to him in academic ranking which is just a matter of ZERO POINT something. Even though he's first in that,  I still have chance ranking 1st in Extra- Curricular Activities. It happened like that because of this, I'm Top 13 in attitude. Shame on me, shame on me!
And so, being in that rank, I was told to make a salutatory address not knowing that after finishing my piece they will be saying "Aw Ian, Valedictorian raman diay ang mag.ADDRESS" wala man lang sorry? Awtsch! PUTAKTE! WALAY KLARO!

Even it haven’t been heard by my school folks before, I personally thanks for this 21st century new skill of writing which is BLOGGINGWith this, I can now present my Salutatory Address that never was.
Please have time reading this. I will be very glad then.

To our magnanimous guest speaker, Engr. Jefferson Hora; to our ever progress-seeking School-In-Charge, Dr. Josephine R. Quiroquiro; to our conscientious Guidance Counselor, Mrs. Elizabeth M. Oliveros; to our full of patience Teachers; To our loving and gracious Parents; To my fellow grateful graduating student; Visitors; Friends; Ladies and Gentlemen; Good Morning.
I stand before you today faced with the task of trying to say something that will keep your interest, hopefully, even be meaningful to you. I decided to give you little advice from my heart. Advice that I’ve been raised with all my life and I hope you can find something in my words to help you along your way in your life.
When I was in my grade school years, after my parents and my adviser met for the announcement of the results of deliberation of honors. I challenge myself to be on the fullest and be the student with great honor or valedictorian on high school, as I was just a top 6 or top 7 in my grade school recognitions and a meritorious awardee in my elementary graduation.
Today, I am reaping all that I had sown. My sweat and blood that I offer is being payed for this opportunity. I study hard as if a child doing everything to please his mother to get a toy he wanted a lot. But I guess the best that I do for four years is not enough as I am just a class salutatorian. Well, good enough for a mediocre performance that I showcased in my classes. Remember guys, the famous admonition that we always hear from our parents, teachers, mentors, pastors, politicians, televisions, radios and many individuals who are experienced and have been to what we’ve had in high school. It is said “Kung may tiyaga may nilaga”. Sounds redundant in our ears but will really counts a lot if we follow it with due sense of responsibility. Let us strive enormously. It is not too late to make a change, as the song goes.
Moreover, I think you already face many challenges or problems of your life in one way or another. Its normal, and don’t be startled of that. Just remember that when God is going to do something wonderful, he begins with difficulty, just always believe and never quit. There are really times in our lives when we stumble and fall. There are really people that will let you down, persecute you, and bear false witness against you. No matter how you carefully choose your words it will really end up being twisted by others. Well, just pray for their conversion and all of the sinners.
Today, the Class of 2012 has come together to celebrate the commencement of our high school years.  We have come from all different places, but join together because each of us has persevered through the trying times of the past four years.  Some of us struggled studying for exams, some of us suffered when we heard of the requirements of all the subjects most especially if the period is already ending.
The tremendous intellectual potential of the ICNHS- Tambacan annex School year: 2011-2012 will undoubtedly propel my classmates to reach their dreams.  Forty-four percent of this class scored Advanced and has passed the MSU System admission and scholarship examination (SASE) and headed to Mindanao State University –Iligan Institute of Technology, one of the most renowned universities in the Philippines.  I urge you to realize your intellectual capabilities and take advantage of future educational opportunities.  However, in addition to our educational challenges, we must also enjoy ourselves. Life should be fun.  Friendship can be something taken for granted, something that comes and goes, but I believe that we have all made lasting friends here, at ICNHS- Tambacan.  Together, we have spent some of the most memorable moments of our lives, moments marked by both hysterical laughter and hysterical tears.
Today is one day in our lives where we can be grateful for our relentless hard work and the tremendous accomplishments we have achieved.  As we leave high school for extraordinary institutions and opportunities, the challenge is for each of us to fulfill our greatest dreams.  To do so, I encourage you to find something that inspires you, something that might challenge you, or something that you are passionate about.  Whatever your dream may be, it is in your control to reach it.  I personally cannot wait to see the products of my classmates’ dreams.  Time is not infinite so do not let yourself be persuaded that you can achieve your dreams later, begin to achieve your aspirations today. 

I encourage the members of the Class of 2012 to make the most of every opportunity provided to them, and I sincerely wish that each of my classmates follows their individual hopes, aspirations and passions in life. With these thoughts, may we strive more as we face the bright future ahead of us.  Let us light tomorrow with today.  May God be with us as we continue our journey.  As for my fellow graduates, I wish you all the best of luck in your lives. I love every one of you. God bless you and Praise be Jesus and Mary. 

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