Friday, November 30, 2012

We can be Saints, if we want

      “Am I doing at this moment what I ought to be doing?”

             I’ve been asking myself with this question for hundreds of time then, after a seminar took that question to stunt my nerves in brain, strummed my vocal chords making a sound redundant to what God has always wanted the mankind to become. “God wishes us all to become saints” as what had St. Alphonsus Maria De Ligoure had hit a chord for his fellow faithful before.

             If that was it, all of us must do things in accord to his will. Let us not end up like those elderly people who had just started to be good in their lives only in their twilight years. Just because they wanted to be saved, just because they repent from all of their sins, they would now go to church every day, attending all the possible masses that will be celebrated. From a vicious youth being they would now turn out to be an angelic old being having a veil as their hope-to-be halo, devoted to perhaps half of the number of saints. Who knows that by those long novenas they recite, somehow their illness will be healed and their humiliating deeds will be atoned.

              How about us, the youth? Would we like to wait for bad lucks to be happened to our lives? How long will we wait then for ourselves to be transformed?

              Oct. 21, 2012 stunned the hearts of every Filipino all over the world and indeed let it to gloriously throbbed having been pumped by the thought of the joyous elevation of Blessed Pedro Calungsod, a native of Cebu, to the rank of Sainthood. Saint Pedro Calungsod is the second saint of the Philippines next to St. Lorenzo Ruiz of Manila. Proud and happy are we having these two saints, recognized by the church, for we shared the same nationality with them; being a pure blooded Filipinos in mind and in soul.

               Individuals think it’s difficult to become saint and yes indeed. It even takes years and decades for you to be canonized, ensuring for your worthiness to be called as such. But, to tell you, in this case, it is not like those of the modern politics for it chooses not by colour or race, may you be a king or a beggar, slave or an average person you can be a saint. This simply proves that it is open for all those ordinary people who do ordinary things extraordinarily well.

                On the face of it, people misunderstand of what really a saint is. In fact, we often even exclaim “How a sinner like me could and would become such a saint?” If we do allow ourselves to be trampled with this wrong conception then we can really hardly achieve the desire of God for us to be perfect. In the bible, Jesus said to his listeners “You, therefore, must be perfect, as your heavenly Father is perfect.” Matthew 5:48. The servant of God- Frank Duff in his book “Can we be saints?” that also inspires this article, was right when he said that every person that is born is called to be a Saint. If there is verve inside of your heart you will be surely given sufficient help to carry crosses that abides in your way to sainthood.

                 In this era of numerous world disorientations, we must then make a move for a change for ourselves and eventually for the conversion of this generation. Let us try to sanctify our diminutive duties. Even your effort to trash a candy plastic could start for a great change. Maybe by mortification of your wants like watching folly television shows, eating your favourite food, playing computer games and even the thought of making your life unchaste would then conspire to the angels in heaven singing alleluia to the lord. Everything will be fine, if we’ll make it fine. Let’s imitate virtues that ought to be imitated for. Let us just always remember that we can be saints, if we want.

Saecula Saeculorum

(Forever and ever)

For I do hear nothing but shouts of the foe,
For I can see nothing but violence;
These secular endeavors engulf me with horror.
Clamor of cries outburst this pity soul,
Shall this lingering apathy be out of cognizance?

Lest I’ll choose to be dying in agony
Than to commit immorality;
To reciprocate those inhumane deeds,
To repent for my tomfoolery,
To follow instead the divine will
Is my ever, ever reverie

Lest I’ll choose to be wallowing in poverty
Than to curse my circumstance;
To quench thirst of my own dilemmas,
To appease hungriness on my lonesome time,
To not pile burning coals on my head
Is my ever, ever wish

Lest I’ll choose not to sleep anymore
Than to be full of vigor in changing white to black;
To follow not my mind but my heart,
To accept friend that proved to be traitor,
To love them and to care for them
Is my ever, ever want

New dawn will surely sends radiance of light.
Bringing luster and joy shining in my heart,
Making me free from error and sin,
Hope this sun will continue to shimmer
Forever and ever

Thursday, November 29, 2012

No More Walls

You would surely come to think that death is better than living a life like mine. If only you know the enormity of being a son of an accused person; if only you can feel how boorish feeling seeped into my veins whenever and wherever I hear those words, I beg you to early adjourn all what you are busy for and take time to comfort me, please. Yes, I’m still young and just a sixteen year old lodger of this world but so what? I can now relate my tears to those of the television dramas.
            My story neither is yet in its climax nor at its peak then, I directed my acts in this world, but, there are a lot of irksome pressures that influenced those. Anxieties that may affect you as well as it is true to me today.
            I came from a simple but happy and simple family but all of us wince to this thought- that my mother is having an affair with my neighbor. Well, I should put an adjective to that (I’m sorry Lord for saying this) ugly and hen-pecked husband. What a world? Can’t they just zipped their mouth and try to scrutinize what causes the impulsion of this hullabaloo? The saddest thing is that my little sister is thought to be the disgraced child born in that adultery. Very sad for in the very first place, my mother couldn’t do an infidelity with my father, wouldn’t even decide things without the consensus of my father. Oh my poor little sister. Only awful people can afford to agree to that frivolous hearsay. Having these hurts that bleeds in my heart are just maybe few of the reasons why many students have gone out of their dreams. How can I, a mediocre individual would study then with these controversies that is being faced by the one who made me exist to this world?
            On the other hand, I know I’m being given a problem, like this by God because He knows I can endure these. I know God is with me. You know what would I survive until now? It is because I always think that my problems were just tiny speck of the wounds that Jesus has suffered here on earth on her way to Calvary.
            And what had happened today? I feel pity for their family that loathed and hated us; They are now not any less than pieces of broken glass on the floor, their house is no longer a home, it is only but a house. A house that if you would compare to facebook, facebook is grateful to have a wall, perhaps, but they? Their souls are now dying and not living in a house of no more walls.

A Salutatory Address that never was

I’m an easy going student in my grade school years; I do pass exams but not enough to be hailed on the top. Being on high school is a more demanding world that requires a lot of courage, but what is my attitude towards studies on my elementary years is exactly incongruent to my secondary toils’ and hustles’ fears. I faced it with the grace of GOD.  Knowing that with God in my heart, it’s not about goodness at all times but the opposite instead. Regardless of that, I had managed to reach the top and ranked advanced when pitted with our elementary class valedictorian. But, it had only true for one year. On the next three years, I was just second to him.

I’m not a late bloomer anyway; it’s just that I didn’t use the most out of my undiscovered skills.
Confident is the right word I can describe to myself in my 4th year Deliberation of Honors. I know, I somehow deserved the title I did once taken for granted. But what had happened? Again, I seconded him. And what follows in this article is the salutatory address that never was delivered because of some problems.
Yes, in our batch I'm the CLASS SALUTATORIAN. Congratulations to myself! It came out like that not because I'm just second to him in academic ranking which is just a matter of ZERO POINT something. Even though he's first in that,  I still have chance ranking 1st in Extra- Curricular Activities. It happened like that because of this, I'm Top 13 in attitude. Shame on me, shame on me!
And so, being in that rank, I was told to make a salutatory address not knowing that after finishing my piece they will be saying "Aw Ian, Valedictorian raman diay ang mag.ADDRESS" wala man lang sorry? Awtsch! PUTAKTE! WALAY KLARO!

Even it haven’t been heard by my school folks before, I personally thanks for this 21st century new skill of writing which is BLOGGINGWith this, I can now present my Salutatory Address that never was.
Please have time reading this. I will be very glad then.