Monday, September 21, 2015

Sec. De Lima speaks justice with love: A Synthesis of her Keynote Speech during the 4th Philippine I Transform Young Leaders Convention

Phot Credtis to Youth Lead Philippines
Secretary of Justice Leila De Lima have given a clever and creative speech integrating love and good governance as one in virtue and purpose to almost hundreds of young leaders across the nation. Before the floor has been given to her, cheers of the different delegations from National Capital Region, Luzon, Visayas, and Mindanao were uttered and shouted making her remember her late days, 50 pounds ago, as a cheer leader or a majorette. We seriously don’t expect that coming.
                There was no dull moment in her speech. She is indeed a good speaker and her keynote speech during the 4th Philippine I Transform Young Leaders Convention could testify that. She gave an assumption that tourists, just like us, come to baguio for two possible reasons: 1.) to find True Love, and 2.) to fix the broken heart. This have caught the attention of everyone and made the framework of her speech. ‘Hugot’ lines were also brought by her mouth to the Francisco Benitez Hall, Senor Mess of the DepEd Teachers Camp, such as; ‘(ang maipapayo ko sa inyo kung kayo ay broken hearted) move on my dear, move on’, (ang mga ex ninyo) ay dinadaanan lang yan hindi tinatambayan’ and the list goes on.
                The controversial secretary said that when we talk about love, she is a survivor, a winner or a victor. Those were the exact words she said. She added that having a broken heart must not make us weak rather, it must make us stronger (malakas), wiser (matalino), and  braver (matapang).

                But her talk, as what I have foreshadowed, was not just about love nor romance, or forevermore. Her talk was about leadership and she started about the least appreciated principle in leadership which is accountability. The failure to personify this virtue would lead to broken hands, broken groups, teams, organizations, people and even the society or worse, the whole nation. When one choose to resume a position, that one should embody accountability which the virtue of trust (tiwala) is indispensable. When we take accountability out from the equation that just proves that there is no forever. Even in love (pag-ibig), when you commit or answer (sagot), you will have many responsibilities (sagutin), or if you will not, then good luck, (lagot ka).
Why one should be accountable?
There are three Cs for it; conscience, constitution, and constituents.
Why it is important to know whom are we accountable for?
This is for you to have a focus on releasing your energy. It would provide you courage in the pursuit of your mission or with the obstacles you would meet on your way.
Whose picture is in your wallet?
He/She must be your special someone. You keep it for 1.) Inspiration, 2.) It will remind you of your accountability to him/her. But what is important is to keep that image/person in your heart. You must put your commitment to your heart. The home of each person’s accountability is your heart.
For the honourable secretary, the image is the image of our country- the Philippines to which she serves. You cannot stop her in her mission.

Sec. De Lima, then proceeded in enumerating the cases to which she has taken care of, such as the Manila Hostage Crisis, the charges against Past President Gloria Macapagal Arroyo, PDAF scam of Janeth Lim Napoles and Kidnapping of Ben Hur Luy. In between these issues were the equally explosive and sensitive massacres, suing of drug lords, incidents and the case of Mary Jane Veloso.
Awarding of the Testimonial of Appreciation to Sec. De Lima
She never asked to be controversial. It is just that these issues and investigations are within her duty and mandate. She also admitted that corruption is still not out of our system and stressed the idea about the equality of all Filipinos to the law of the land whether you are wealthy or not.  The law protects us all equally or not. She promised that the Department of Justice will still enhance its efficiency, therefore, it must be well-respected. She will always continue to support amendments to improve justice.
To put oneself last is selflessness. One should serve the country above self. We must set aside personal needs for national interest. A leader commands and influences but a leader is also a servant and falls in love. Leaders should serve without conditions.
The broken hearts are the hearts of the millions of Filipinos which are betrayed, pocketed and plundered. The pain is undoubtedly excruciating not only to the heart but to the soul. Young leaders hold the future. We are the hope of the nation. We must heal the broken hearts. They will be healed when it will believe and trust again. We must lead them in falling in love again. Tulungan natin silang maniwala na may FOREVER parin.
Region X Student Leaders with Sec. De Lima
Addendum: Receiving the Testimonial of Appreciation to MSU-IIT from Youth LEAD Philippines


  1. char kau hahhaha i loved it too:) Hi Ian Im scarlet haha katong from negros nga nakdungan nnyog kaon ;) carlo gadingan for real :)
